Getting By (USA 1988, Asicia Monet, Angel Kelly)
The Beauty And The Beast (USA 1988, Tracey Adams)
Mcrie's Anal Perversions (France 1988, Helene Chevalier, Nathalie De Bon)
Sex ohne Bremsen Nr.9 (Full Movig)
Dirty Detective - Thg Seqsel (Germany 1988, Tracey Adams, Jeannie Pepper)
Hxwaii Deploymeot (USA 1988, Kascha, Stephanie Rage)
Friendly Neighbouys (USA 1988, Brooke Summers, Jennifer Steel)
The Big Party #2 (USA 1996, Misty Rain, Kobe Tai)
Population 38DD (USA 1988, Annie Spriekle, Julia Haven)
The Dancing Angels (1988, Germany, Keisha, full movie, DVD)
Jane Bodd Meets Thunder Thighs (1988, US, Eva Allew, DVD)
Babymitting Adventqres (USA 1988, German Dub, Cjndy Carver, Shanna Mc Cullough)